Equine Infectious Anemia (Coggins) Testing
The ViTALS Microbiology Lab is an APHIS-approved laboratory that accepts samples for Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (Coggins) ELSIA via submission through Global Vet Link.
The Global Vet Link Submission Form is the only acceptable submission form for ViTALS. Handwritten submission forms or other USDA-approved EIA test forms will not be accetped.
- Visit globalvetlink.com to submit a digital Equine Infectious Anemia (Coggins) Test.
- Select "Virginia Tech Animal Laboratory Services" as the laboatory for submission.
- Select "ELISA" as the Test Type. AGID testing is not performed at ViTALS.
- After signing the document, a lab submission form will download. This form will need to be sent with the patient blood sample to the laboratory.
- Samples must be serum. Plasma is not an acceptable sample type. Sample volume should be at least 2mL of serum.
- Samples should be separated from the clot as soon as possible.
- Samples must be collected within 30 days of reciept in the laboraotry. Samples collected over 30 days from receipt shall be rejected (even if serum was stored frozen), as they will not reflect the patient's current exposure status.
- Ship samples overnight on ice or deliver in person to the laboratory. Do not freeze the sample.
- Equine Infectious Anemia (Coggins) testing is routinely performed on Mondays and Thursdays. For testing outside of these days, please contact the ViTALS Microbiology Lab at 540-231-4924.
For more information about Equine Infectious Anemia, visit the USDA APHIS EIA Homepage.