About ViTALS

ViTALS's mission is to provide high-quality diagnostic services to veterinarians, animal owners, researchers, and state and federal agencies. Our qualified laboratory staff reliably performs all tests and evaluations in accordance with established policies and procedures in order to provide quality veterinary diagnostic services.
Commitment to Our Customers
We understand the importance of accurate and timely results, and we strive to provide superior services and to exceed the expectations of our clients.
Virginia Tech Animal Laboratory Services (ViTALS) is committed to compliance with American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) standards, good professional practice, and quality of diagnostic services to clients. ViTALS achieves this as follows:
ViTALS is fully accredited by AAVLD. This accreditation reflects our lab’s dedication to technical and operational competence and is effective until Dec. 31, 2027.
ViTALS Quality System formalizes our practices to meet the scope, mission, and quality objectives of our lab. All elements of the Quality System — both those developed by the laboratory and those taken from outside sources — are formally documented. These established policies and procedures assure accuracy and reliability of tests performed.
ViTALS ensures quality of testing by employing the appropriate control techniques for each assay. This may include the use of assayed controls, well-characterized reference standards, replicate analysis using the same or different test methods, or re-testing of retained specimens or samples.
ViTALS participates in external proficiency testing (PT) programs. PT determines the performance of our laboratory for specific tests and is used to monitor our labs’ continuing performance via inter laboratory comparison.
All Pathology systems are supervised by ACVP-board certified pathologists. Routine and complex testing is performed and reported by board certified technologists and technicians.