The ViTALS Laboratory is now accepting samples from lactating dairy cattle for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) PCR and ELISA testing.

PCR Testing:
  • Milk is the required sample from live lactating cattle.
  • Sample collection and testing must take place no more than seven (7) days prior to interstate movement.
  • Samples are to be collected by an accredited veterinarian, or a state licensed veterinarian, or a sample collector approved by the appropriate state animal health official. Designated individuals on production sites can be trained to collect milk samples and nasal swab samples for diagnostic testing.
  • Samples must be collected under the supervision of a licensed or accredited veterinarian or as determined by the respective State Animal Health Official.  
  • Collect each sample from all 4 quarters into a red top tube with a total volume of 3-10 ml. 
  • Collect only one sample/one animal per tube.  Pooling of samples based on USDA guidelines can only be performed at the laboratory.
  • For groups/lots of 30 or fewer animals moving interstate, all animals being moved must be tested. If more than 30 animals are moving interstate, then only 30 animals total must be tested.   
  • Ship overnight on ice or deliver in person to the laboratory.  Do not freeze the sample.
  • The submitted sample(s) must be accompanied by the ViTALS ‘NAHLN Test Submission Form’.  Information for the referring veterinarian information (the veterinarian completing the permit) must be complete for the sample to be tested.

ELISA Testing:

  • Submit bovine serum or milk samples only. 
  • Serum and milk should be shipped overnight on ice or delivered in person to the laboratory. Do not freeze the sample.
  • The submitted sample(s) must be accompanied by the ViTALS ‘NAHLN Test Submission Form’.  Information for the referring veterinarian information (the veterinarian completing the permit) must be complete for the sample to be tested.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the laboratory at 540-231-4924.